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Database Programming Tools

/rdb Converter

Six Sigma CASE, Inc

/rdb Converter reads a set of /rdb database files. The input converterchanges the field names in each file into a form usable by the Canonizer.This allows a data model corresponding to the /rdb database files to beautomatically transferred into the Canonizer where it can be edited andnormalized. The input converter changes each database file into aCanonizer table. The name of the database file becomes the name of thecorresponding Canonizer table.

Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Six Sigma CASE, Inc
13456 SE 27th Pl Suite 210
Bellevue, WA 98005
Phone: (206) 643-6911
        (800) 827-4462
Fax: (206) 641-7501